Jun 15, 2017

$ git config --global user.name "John Doe" $ git config --global user.email johndoe@example.com Now you’ll learn a few of the more interesting options that you can set in this manner to customize your Git usage. First, a quick review: Git uses a series of configuration files to … How to Set Up Default Credentials for Git Config in Git Bash git config –global user.email “Your EmailID” It will change the email id in the Git Config to the email id you mentioned in the command. Note: It is very important to note that we use –global for personal config file while we use –system to make changes to the default file discussed in the above section. Setting your commit email address in Git - GitHub Help

Apr 23, 2020 · Let’s examine each of these show your git username basics: #1 – Use the command, git config -get [user.name | user.email] git config user.name. This returns. Christian Screen. And if you enter git config user.email from the terminal from anywhere with your git initiated directory such as. git config user.email. this will return. cscreen

Apr 02, 2012 Setting Up Git | The Odin Project

Jun 15, 2017

$ git config user.email "your@address.com" $ git submodule foreach --recursive 'git config user.name "Your Name" && git config user.email "your@address.com"' 2. then do a rebase: $ git rebase -i HEAD~1 # git brings up your editor. 3. in the editor, mark the commit as 'edit' then save and exit the editor: 4. do an amend that resets the author Output shows Git need to configured with global settings and few commands need to be run, To correct this open CMD prompt, by default git is installed under C:\Program Files\Git\bin. cd to the location and run below command. cd C:\Program Files\Git\bin. git config --global user.email "you@example.com" git config --global user.name "Your Name" Git went ahead and used the machine name, instead of getting me to set an email address. The output when you do this from the command line is a hint: [master 47bfd56] ha Committer: Brendan Forster Your name and email address were configured automatically based on your username and hostname.