database.c in src/router/cron – DD-WRT
DD-WRT Step 4 Miscellaneous Settings - IT Cooking Case 3: DD-WRT behind PPPoE DSL modem: both you and the modem will be NATed. Not possible with UPnP since DD-WRT WAN jack will see the private IP of the modem as the WAN address, instead of reporting your actual public IP. For those looking for a complete list or search features by hardware specs we are working on extending the router database to provide these features. In the meantime there is the Supported Device List in the DD-WRT wiki that provides you most of these information. But please take care - everybody can edit the information there so we cannot For those looking for a complete list or search features by hardware specs we are working on extending the router database to provide these features. In the meantime there is the Supported Device List in the DD-WRT wiki that provides you most of these information. Router Database & FAQ. In the beginning most users would like to know if their routers are supported by DD-WRT and what firmware files they need to download on order to install DD-WRT. For such requests the router database is the best place.
The router should automatically reboot on its own. Wait 2 more minutes and then try to connect to the router via If you are brought to the DD-WRT login to change the password, Congratulations, you got DD-WRT on there. Using the DD-WRT web interface update to firmware dd-wrt.v24-33215_NEWD-2_K3.x_mega.bin RT-N12HP and RT-N12VP
DD-WRT Router Guide | How to install DD-WRT & configure Jul 19, 2016
DD-WRT compatible routers - The Silicon Underground
DD-WRT is free Linux-based firmware for several wireless routers, most notably the Linksys WRT54G (including the WRT54GL and WRT54GS) and Buffalo WHR-G54s,WHR-HP-G54. It is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2. Many of DD-WRT's features are not included in typical router firmware. These features include support for the Kai network, daemon-based services, IPv6, Wireless DD-WRT » Support Router Database & FAQ. In the beginning most users would like to know if their routers are supported by DD-WRT and what firmware files they need to download on order to install DD-WRT. For such requests the router database is the best place. DD-WRT Forum :: View topic - DD-WRT Router Database