They can ping any non-Windows device on the network. Any suggestions or guidance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance! Update: I connected my work laptop that has not been on my network since the issue first arose. It did not respond to a ping, nor did it receive a response from any other Windows devices, but it could ping my Linux box.

This is not a home network, only mapped drives to software and shared printers. All are wired (plan on hooking in with a wireless laptop once this issue is fixed). Both computers can ping the printers and router. Computer A (host) can ping comp. B (client). However, computer B cannot ping A. Windows firewalls are off on both computers. Jan 18, 2016 · I have a 4 computer network with 2 Windows 7 machines and 2 Windows 10 Pro machines. The Win7 computers can see and access all 4 computers through Network. The Win10Pro machines can see and access the Win7 machines. They can't see or access themselves. They can PING each other though through powershell. can't ping a computer on the same network I am new to packet tracer and I've completely hit a brick wall while setting up a small network. I have a simple network setup with two computers. Mar 15, 2011 · Just going off your question topic, I had the same issue. I could not ping W7 machines, but XP machines would reply no problem. The problem was that W7's firewall blocks ping requests by default. There needs to be a firewall allowance for echo requests: Add the following to the Windows firewall Inbound Rules: When you will click on it, some options will appear in the extreme right pane of the window as shown in the following image. Click on “Enable Rule” from these options in order to allow ping from the Firewall in Windows 10. In this example, I have pinged my PC from another PC on the same network after enabling this rule.

Oct 31, 2018 · TROUBLESHOOTING NETWORK CONNECTION PROBLEMS TOP 10: Try to ping the IP address (not the name) of both the PC and the device you cannot connect to, from themselves. Try to ping the IP address (not the name) of both the PC and the device you cannot connect to, from a different PC, preferably in a different location (different floor, office…).

The subnet mask is a type of filter that helps PCs on the network better see each other. The default gateway is the IP address of the router. Make a note of it. If you see the message, media disconnected, check both ends of the Ethernet cable. Type the command ping, a space, and then the IP address of the router, or default gateway; press Enter.

Cannot ping secondary router - posted in Networking: I have a router provided by my ISP which I have connected to a Tomato router and I can ping both these routers from a laptop connected via wifi

If so, contact your computer's manufacturer or network administrator for further support with troubleshooting your computer. If you still cannot ping the Brother machine, go to 3.3 to re-establish a network connection. 3.3 Reset the network settings to the factory default > Click here to see how to reset the machine back to the factory settings. I have a network in place and I statically assign ip's throughout the network. All of a sudden, a device stops working and reports a IP conflict. When i ping the ip, it comes back dead. Apr 16, 2020 · Each computer has a functioning network interface with an external jack for the cable. The network settings on each computer are appropriately configured. One phone line or power cord cannot be used to directly connect two computers for networking. Jun 05, 2018 · Computer can't ping a unit on the same network. by GollyGHollyP Jun 5, 2018 6:14PM PDT I'm trying to connect to a Nexia PM(DSP) that is connected via LAN to our network. They can ping any non-Windows device on the network. Any suggestions or guidance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance! Update: I connected my work laptop that has not been on my network since the issue first arose. It did not respond to a ping, nor did it receive a response from any other Windows devices, but it could ping my Linux box. - Using Advanced Admin Console on the Windows Home Server Console, the notebook doesn't show up. - I've tried reinstalling the WHS connector on the notebook, but it fails at the point at which it tries to find the server. - I can ping the server from the notebook by IP address, but not by name. However, B can ping C and C can ping B. Strangely, B can ping A as well. Only C cannot ping A. I then noticed when clicking Microsoft Windows Network iin Windows Explorer, it would hang for about a minute, eventually show my workgroup (named "GROUP").